The Federation of Enfield Residents' & Allied Associations

The Federation of Enfield Residents' & Allied Associations

New Local Plan

LBE – the new Local Plan 2020-36

On first viewing FERAA is far from impressed with the vision offered by the new local plan, which has been struggling for over 3 years in gestation. It lacks the vision we believe is essential to preserving the quality of life in the borough, makes provision for housing an eye-watering 25% uplift in the borough’s population, condones the invasion of Green Belt land without cause, and is almost silent on the infrastructure upgrading necessary to support such expansion without descending into congested suburban mediocrity.

The document now in circulation will be consulted throughout the Christmas period 2018/19 then examined on behalf of the Secretary of State by an inspector, before adoption probably in 2020. It will set expectations and parameters for development over the years ahead to 2036.

FERAA will enter a principled critique of this important document in the hope that the administration will lift its eyes from the daily mission to bring in as much revenue as possible, come what may.

