The Federation of Enfield Residents' & Allied Associations

The Federation of Enfield Residents' & Allied Associations

Why become an Affiliated Association?

Road repairs overdue? Traffic problems in your street? Inadequate hospitals and schools? These are some of the issues pursued by the Federation on behalf of its members – the residents’ associations of Enfield.

Working alone can be a too small voice in the wilderness of local government, but joining forces with other residents’ associations puts the power of numbers behind the arguments for a better, safer and altogether more enjoyable existence in our borough.

But I don’t belong to an association

Experience has shown that councillors and officials cannot know fully what residents want and, just as importantly, what they don’t want to see in their neighbourhood. The residents’ association combines the skills and enthusiasm of numerous households to shape their future collectively.

And by joining their association, or even forming one where needed, residents can relieve themselves of the feeling that their voice is never heeded, their opinion never sought except once every four years at election time.

Where FERAA can help

FERAA has prospered for a number of years, fortified by its constituent associations, making representations to the myriad of advisory groups and committees that shape our local environment in so many ways. Not every street participates in an association and it takes so little to correct this. We at FERAA can help individuals start new groups and pave the way – it’s what we do.

The more associations that affiliate to FERAA the stronger we can make our collective voices. And we are an incredibly low cost organization.

Feel free to get in touch and find out what FERAA can do by helping you and your neighbours to get answers. If you want to know more, ring us for a chat at 020 8807 1460 or drop us an e-mail at We will get right back to you.